rosalina saige
trans catgirl
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mmm, at least i get to be her kitty....

i’m so gay,,,,,,,,,

hhhhhh saige brain pls work,,,,

she’s so cuteeeeeee

idk if i should talk to her abt this or not >.<

i thought i was doing ok with handling the not dating thing, but maybe not :(

hhhhhh i’m so in love melts

mmm, keep having to fight the urge to say "i love you" to her. cause like. i rlly do i think. but we're not dating. so i can't.

hhhhhh i just feel like i really want to cry rn. hurts to think abt not dating

part of me wants to cry rn and idk why. think it’s just, idk. hurts to think abt like. we’re not dating.

the desire to lean over and kiss her,,,,

wish my brain would just. stop. i know she’s not interested in dating me. but i still just keep thinking about her,,,,,,,,,,,,

hhhhh why am i so in love,,,,,,

she’s just. aaaaaaaa so nice and kind and cute and sweet and aaaaaa why am i in love with her,,,,,,,,,

fuckkkkk i just really wannya date her :(((

(saige is about to explode from being in love :3)

or just. any time. like she’s actually so fucking cute, how???

she’s so cute when she’s being silly

i’m like. such a faggot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, too gay :3 hehe

waiting outside for the girl i’m in love with :3

saige try not the be the most awkward, weirdest person ever when talking to your crush challenge (impossible)

mmmm saige try not to be in love constantly challenge,,,,,,

thinking abt how someone pointed out that me and her sit together a lot and i was kinda like "lol yeah uh ig we do sit together a lot,,,," :3

this kitty just wants to be protected (she’s scared of like. everything)

pretty sure my brain just. does this every time i think abt her tbh. it becomes the least understandable thing ever,,,

not dating is so weird tbh like. idk. i miss saying “ily” and having someone to care for and call my girlfriend and aaa :(

i think my current situation makes it more confusing too :(((

wannya have someone to look forward to living with someday, and i really wish it could be her tbh. but realistically, i just don’t think she likes me in that way sadly.

hhhh maybe i’m just. scared of being lonely forever tbh.

mmmm part of me kinda just thinks a lot like

i still really want to date her tbh. i’m still uh, very in love and aaaaaaa >.< (wow big surprise, saige is gay)

and like she’s my best friend.

but just like. what do i do? if stuff never works out? i don’t know how to talk to people. idk how id meet new people rlly. especially people who id wannya date,,,, (my brain is weird abt getting crushes)…

like. idk if id find someone as cute and kind and sweet as her?

i have no idea if im making sense. i’m just. scared. rlly in love with her. and just. don’t know what to do. at all. i’m way too sleepy to be typing this tbh. but like. aaaaaaa rlly wannya date her >.< but if she doesn’t want to date then like. am i just lovely forever?

tbh like. living with her someday might be nice. just rlly love being near her aaaaaa

pretty sure my parents have at least some idea that i am in a very confusing situation lol (i accidentally said something earlier and i meant to say friendship but i said relationship by accident and then i started blushing so much and couldn't get myself to say another word so i just looked down and continued blushing aaa)

kitty saige :pleadingcat: omg that's me :3

mmmm god i am melting into a little puddle just thinking about how fucking cute she is how is it possible to be that fucking cute??? i don’t get it

i wish i could be cute,,,

is this what being lovedrunk is

how is it possible to fit so much cuteness into one girl???

like. aaaaa just thinking. and it’s so nice to look into her eyes and her hair is so cute and aaaaa >.<

also it’s so cute whenever i look at her and go “hiii” and in the cutest voice ever she goes “hiiiii” back omg

literally everything abt her just makes me melt tbh. i don’t understand it aaaa

just laying here. i should sleep. but i can’t.

too busy just. thinking about how fucking cute she is. genuinely how can she be so cute??? don’t understand it,,,,,,

i am so gay

being single is so weird.

like, who am i supposed to say "nini, ily <333" to now?

type of girl that listens to science yoshi

forgot this gif exists

like look at these stickers, they so cute

mmmm thinking abt a cute discord sticker i have but haven't been able to use in so long

i think i've dreamed of her twice now

perhaps i should reevaluate my life (idk what id do)

being single is weird. confusing.

god it's actually slightly annoying sometimes just how much my brain thinks abt her,,,,,,,, like silly brain you could listen to funny calculus teacher. stop thinking abt her pls, you'll get to see her again in a few days silly

mmmm saige try not to be in love constantly (impossible) (she's too cute for me to not think about her) (aaa)

miss her already

the desire to watch the peanuts movie and hug her,,,,,,,,,,,

genuinely just, how is she so fucking cute????? i literally don't get it

i had to open telegram to find this song

like actually i could just sit here and stare at her,,,,,