rosalina saige
trans catgirl
quirks about me
Nintendo Switch presence Splashcat stats

meow :3


i am the cutest little kitty ever :3

i like little letters (lowercase) and purple and uh cats and programming and splatoon 3.


i'm 18, so that's cool i guess. am also 🏳️‍⚧️trans.

you should totally go check out autumn she's like so amazing :3

nya (recent notes and stuff)

little things i've wrote :3 some big, some not big.

recent activity

so glad i left fedi with her continuing to be a fucking idiot lmao

You MUST assert that the registered CredentialID has not previously been registered. to any other account.

mmmmm, no. sounds like too much work.


fixed finally

meowwww meow meow mrow :3

thinking about a twitter account of someone i kinda know who put something like "opinions are not my own and reflect those of the USPS" in their bio and like. idk is just funny to me lol

two party system of snuggles party vs cuddles party (also secret third party of hug party but it will never win because it's a third party or something idk how politics work)

pretty sure no one cares abt me

the irony of getting this immediately after posting that

http 502

who needs a sharkey instance when you can build a dumb website that breaks if you blow on it

On the server, encoding and decoding is typically taken care of by your FIDO server-side library.

ok. what if im insane and there's no fucking fido server-side library? then what?


meow :3

me: maybe i should setup a stripe emailing domain so it doesn't come from

also me: nvm that's so many dns records to copy paste

i should add native photo uploads to this website

yeah. leave me alone.

are you sure you want to exit osu!?

cool i dont even know my login. guess im not downloading any beatmaps for osu.

cant play that game cause i suck and my setup sucks


just realized reed timmer is fucking tyler owens lmaooooo