Backtracking within the next sentence, nice.
uh sorry, i guess? idk what to say >.< i'm just a dumb girl.
anyways like, idk, people like convenience.
Most messages in the channel however come from #Discord...
not from what i've seen? i see mostly irc (including web client at and slack. if all you've looked at is #indieweb over the past day or so, yeah it's a lot of discord users i guess. but i don't think that's representative of the entire community.
... everything goes to Discord.
i guess, yeah. don't really see this as like, a privacy concern or anything though. most channels (excluding random and chat) are publicly logged, and tmk it'd be easy to log anything through irc for those channels? don't really think anyone should be talking in the indieweb chats with the expectation of privacy.
Then why bother with #IndieWeb at all? I'm talking about over half a year that I've been in their channel. My point is getting stronger, I think. Its not a privacy concern, its a concern about IndieWeb's stated goals and their actions which go directly against it. #indieweb